Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Verizon Droid X Wifi connection issues...solved!

D  R  O  I  D 

I was stoked to get a brand spanking new Verizon Droid X today but when I got home I quickly found that WIFI was not working and I was really frustrated and disappointed. I of course scoured the net in search of the solution, but it was all a dead-end with hapless people like me wanting a quick fix. And as is so common with technology the personal response to the lack of perfection can be that "I got screwed' or "I made a wrong choice, I should have gone with...."

Well after spending some time trying to figure this out I thankfully found a solution and now it seems very trivial but I hope this help you out.

1) Be sure you are updated to 2.3.15 (Android 2.2)
      a) Settings > About Phone > System Update

2) Go to Settings > Location & Security

3) Ensure that 'Use Wireless Networks' is turned on. It is turned off by default (yes an apparent oversight)

4) Also turn on 'Use GPS satellites' and 'Enable Assisted GPS' while you are in there.

5) Droid Army

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Stress Does not Kill Us - But it makes everything that does much worse.

Inside the search for a cure... for Stress.

I have to reiterate, and am so compelled to evangelize an immensely important article written by Jonah Lehrer in the latest WIRED (August 2010 page 131). Lehrer writes very engaging prose that provides excellent backstory to the issue at hand being dealt with on the front lines by Professor Robert Sapolsky, the man with the mind to see things in baboons that others did not, and are ever present in we humans being.

I highly recommend the reading of this article by everyone, whether you have anxiety, are depressed, or have concerns for other friends and family suffering from stress. There are so many factors that can lead to life being overbearing and we must control ourselves before it is too late to make a difference.

The main points from the article in controlling stress are:
1) Confront Your Fears. 2) Make Friends 3) Drink in Moderation 4) Get enough Sleep
5) Don't Fight 6) Meditate 7) Don't Force Yourself to Exercise.

These points are all gone over in detail both in the story that leads up to this, and then what the future holds for the way medical science presents itself as a solution.

Less is always so much more.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Book Report: Deep Storm by Lincoln Child

Lincoln Child is best known for his co-authorship of 'The Relic' with author Douglas Preston. They have a shared website with all their shared and solo work.

So, Deep Storm. Wow! this is a really fun read. It is fast, really fast. I am a pretty slow reader and I read this in 3 days. I just could not put it down because I HAD to find out what was going to happen because the character development was so engaging right off the bat. This is important because the characters are not fully, or detailed in their development as some readers may like, but they are extremely engaging.

A quick synopsis of the story. The novels protagonist is named Peter Crane and he is naval doctor summoned to investigate and explain an outbreak of disease on an oil rig. Well there is more to the disease, and the oil rig staffed by military personnel. There is a lot of unknowns and it builds and builds. Child does a great job of keeping the reader wanting more with sharp, or I should say crisp writing. This book feels like a movie though, sometimes even like it was written to be a movie. That is not necessarily bad as this would make a killer movie, it is just apparent.

This is great book for a flight to the other coast, or for a couple days of commuting, or if you just like a exciting thriller. I highly recommend it.

Rating: 7.5/10